True or False...
Diposting oleh renjana di 23.25 0 komentar
Anugerah ....
Senin, April 12, 2010
Suatu hari diatas bus jurusan Kampung Rambutan - Bogor, ketika ada pengamen cilik sedang beraksi...kubisikkan pada anak anakku...Betapa beruntungnya mereka karena mereka masih punya IBU. Dan masih diberikan rezeki yang cukup oleh Allah Swt. Sehingga mereka tak perlu mencari uang sendiri untuk hidup mereka.
Ketika mereka telah terlelap...kurenungkan kembali kata kata itu...
And suddenly I feel so selfish...Not only them who should be gratefull because they still have ME in their life..
BUT Also I should say that Mommy feel gratefull too. Allah Blessed mommy's life with two little eagles....even they have not strong enough ...their smile always make mommy feel better....everytime when mommy cry , their little hand wiped the tears and it always make mommy's heart warm and peacefull.... are precious..
Alhamdulilah..thanks Allah you believe me to take care of them....
Diposting oleh renjana Label: My Day di 23.52 0 komentar
27 March 2010 - Earth Hour 2010
Selasa, April 06, 2010
I believe that a lot of people were not aware that our continued reliance on electricity sourced from fossil fuel-fired power stations, world wide releasing CO2 is causing a dramatic increase in the earth's temperature, resulting in rising sea levels, an increase in drought and severe storm , and massive changes to the environment .
Diposting oleh renjana Label: My Day di 22.54 0 komentar
Minggu, April 04, 2010
Andai aku diberi kesempatan untuk bersamamu satu hari saja "lagi"
Diposting oleh renjana Label: Puisiku di 20.33 1 komentar